An easy apple spice cake using a box mix and any size or shape pan. Made with Musselman’s Apple Pie Filling & Apple Butter.
Step 1
Preheat oven to 350°F. Reference cake mix box for appropriate pan size(s). Grease pan(s).
Step 2
Combine DRY cake mix with the apple pie filling, 1/3 cup apple butter, and eggs (do not add oil or water). Stir well.
Step 3
Bake for the amount of time directed on the box of cake mix for the pan size selected. Cool cake.
Step 4
For the icing: Blend the cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar and 4 Tablespoons of apple butter until smooth. Spread icing on a cooled cake.
Easy, moist, delicious and the folks all love it. I have made it for work related celebrations for years.
My mom always made the apple butter cake recipe that use to b on the mussels man apple butter jar back n the 80s they no longer have that on there can they bring it back it’s the best recipe my mom still hunts for it on jars some stole hers