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WELCOME to Musselman’s “Growing a Healthy Family” blog! We can’t wait to get started. We’ll be sharing fun activities, tips, recipes, and great ways to grow a healthy, happy family. Here are some of the things coming in the months ahead.

Healthy eating on the go

We know most families don’t have time to sit down for three square meals every day. So we’ll give you easy tips and recipes for quick breakfasts, kid-friendly lunches, and satisfying snacks for the car, office, or sports practice. We’ll even give you some fun and yummy ideas for holiday treats!

Fitness for the whole family

Staying active is easier when it’s a family affair. And being a good role model for your kids puts them on the path to lifelong fitness. If your family’s not into running or sports, how about a trip to a trampoline park or some kayaking? You’ll have so much fun you won’t even realize it’s exercise. Plus, find out how our Olympic and champion skaters stay fit with their families off the ice.

Stress-busting strategies

We’re more plugged-in and overscheduled than ever. But medical studies show that stress takes a big toll on our mental and physical health, for adults and kids. We’ll look at some easy ways to incorporate meditation and relaxation into your life. It can be as easy as unplugging once a week or getting better sleep at night. We’ll show you how.

Eco-friendly fun

Recycling has become second-nature to most of us, but with a little imagination and some searching on Pinterest, you can upcycle common household items into something even better. You won’t believe some of the creative uses we’ve discovered for plastic cups, jars, and bottles. Family project time!

Please check back for a new post from our team here at Musselman’s!


  1. Michelle Filips says:

    Thanks sooo much for removing HFCS out of the Applebutter! Now I can buy it again:)!!
    I missed it!

    1. Musselman's says:

      Great customers like you spoke up that it was important to your family, and we listened. Check out some of the delicious recipes here using apple butter 🙂

  2. Jim Dowling says:

    How do I get your UPC’s off without tearing them?


    1. Musselman's says:

      Only the UPC barcode is required not the entire label. While soaking the label can work, be careful it doesn’t fall apart completely. If the label is stubborn try putting heavy clear tape over the UPC. When you remove it should peel off the top layer of the label.

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